It’s a full strawberry moon on Friday 5th June and I wanted to do a reading to get a bit of a feel for the energy that is happening at the moment. I’m not an astrologist so I can’t tell you much about that side of things, although I do know that while we are in Gemini season, this full moon will be in Sagittarius. Reading tarot cards is a bit more familiar to me though and I can tune into what is happening that way. It’s been a really chaotic period and sometimes the cards can bring a little clarity and foreknowledge. I really like the Brian Froud, Faerie oracle - it is one of the most intuitive and rich decks that I have worked with and so I thought it would be useful for going a little deeper into the situation. The layout I tend to go for is a simple past present and future spread and this is what I got. Don’t be scared - I will talk you through it! Okay, so it’s pretty hard to avoid the Death card in the ‘future’ position and it seems as though we are already facing enough of that at the moment. The death in this particular sense though is more metaphorical and combined with the full moon I would say we are strongly being asked to let go of everything that is not serving us right now. Start preparing the ground, clear those emotional and actual cupboards because you are going to need some space for what is to come.
Don’t be scared! We have gone through so much already and it easy to presume the worst, but all endings precede a new beginning. Now let’s get to the positives of the energy that we have been experiencing. The Faun is a magical card and reminds us that we are all part of universal energy. We are the universe! We have galaxies within us, so much magic and potential! Don’t get wrapped up in the fear, the anger and confusion. It is all quite simple. Keep shining your love and your light. Stay open to learning and let that plant seeds of joy within you. It is all going to be okay. At the centre of this we are in that difficult ‘becoming’ stage. We have been in the cocoon for a while and we are scared of what is coming next. That is okay. The universe is here to hold your hand though this. It is supporting you. It might feel uncomfortable, but you are shedding what you are to re-become what you always have been. It is not something new - it is you! And you also have the choice in what you become. Embrace it, move forwards gently, feel that tingle of excitement that means good things are coming, because they are. ——————- There you go! I think that a fair bit of that was channeled and it made me feel so much more supported! Wow! So good to be reminded of these things. I hope that some of this is of use to you and helps the way you perceive the world at the moment. When we sit in magic and joy we can help spread that out into the world. Sending you lots of love for this full moon. 💕😊✨
This has been such a strange time. I have days where I am so happy, feeling completely blessed by the weather and the beautiful countryside and others where I am crumpled by the weight of everything happening in the world. I feel very small in the scheme of things. There is so much I could say about a lot of things, but I feel my role in all this confusion is to be a source of peace and magic. We are all in shock. We are all at various stages on our own spiritual paths. We don’t always know as much as think we do and sometimes we say the wrong things. Forgive yourself. Find your centre through whatever means you can. Meditate, do yoga, walk, cycle, swim - connect with nature. If you don’t tap into this source of knowledge and rhythm then it is too easy to feel lost on waves of social media. I have been finding so much joy in the unfolding season. I have been living in Cornwall for around 20 years now and each year still brings me something new to marvel at. I listen to the sound of the birds and feel the sun stroke and soothe me. Sometimes nature needs a little help from us and I cherish these small interactions where I feel as though I can make a small difference. I water my plants and watch as things grow, tending to my own impatience at the same time. Every year has successes and failures, but each year I try and learn anew. There is comfort in effort regardless of the outcome. I hope that you can feel the magic that I feel - that my pictures, art and words can help to heal and remind you of the beauty in the world.
I had a lot of fun creating this new t-shirt design! Screen printing is an exciting process full of variables which has taken me some years to get my head around! That still doesn’t stop me from making mistakes though! It wasn’t until I had finished washing of the photo emulsion that I realised that I had exposed the image the wrong way round. I quickly removed the rest of the photo emulsion and prepped the screen ready to go again the next day. I use the sun to expose my screens now, rather than worrying about setting up lights and waiting for 30-45 minutes and it takes a minute for the screen to be ready to wash. I think that it’s probably a little on the ‘extra’ exposed side of things, but I’d rather spend a little more time rinsing in the shower than accidentally washing the good stuff away. Anyway, it feels good to be able to wear my love of the moon and I will be adding more colours and sizes soon.
December 2020