Today the sun came out and that was a big thing. It's been grey, consistently grey for far too long and even my positive outlook was beginning to feel the strain. It didn't last long though. I can now hear the wind howling outside my window and I know the washing that I optimistically put on the line earlier will most likely be lying in dogs wee by the morning.
I love the sun. It makes me feel instantly energised - like I want to run around, grab my surf board, do yoga and clean (!) all at once. So what did I do when the sun came out? I drove into Penzance with Tabitha to get some bags that my husband and I both needed for market. It was fun. It was a job that needed to be done at that moment and I was up for it. I love that feeling of action and completion. Job done! It's so satisfying. So, I've been feeling a vague sense of inertia with all the gloom, but actually, thinking about it now, I've been pretty productive. It's like I've been pushing lots of different projects forward at once, so I haven't been patting myself on the back much, but hey! Today I finished the last of my glitter pictures ready for delivery to The Roundhouse and Capstan Gallery on Friday. I also sorted my unicorn screen print (third times a charm!) after getting pretty soaked washing it with the shower head. It's been frustrating but it's done! I've also been researching agents and publishers and have finally got a couple of letters ready to be printed out and sent off. This is a big deal! I know it's the beginning of a long road, but you have to take those first steps! And all this pushing things forward makes me dream of that moment when someone says yes to me and I get to take things to the next level. And I know it will happen because I can FEEL it, in that kooky getting myself into alignment way. But I believe in all that and so that makes me feel like I'm doing something right. And I think that's the most important thing really. I hate wishing away the present moment, dreaming about sunnier days - I know that right now is so precious and everything. The sun will come out again, spring is starting to bloom and life continues to unfold one small, beautiful move at a time.
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December 2020